Welcome to Mrs. Miller’s Mountain!

Welcome to my website!  This is a place for learning and sharing.  As a classroom teacher over the last 28 years, I have collected many resources to share.  This is a collaborative space where I post resources I collect.


2nd Grade Teacher at Barbara Morgan STEM Academy

“The world is 
moving at a tremendous rate and no one knows where.  We must prepare our children not for the past, not for our world, but for their world-the world of the future.”
John Dewey
What’s New?!
Blending STEM and Digital Tools in the Elementary Classroomhttps://msd2-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/miller_kim_westada_org/EeYwUjlMDn5AgwaY14w_LlsB6Wb2FPLS2X2WPSIDmX1DDg?e=ZE4XM1

This site is not associated with the West Ada School District.